Impact Factor: *0.55
Journal Short Name - KJP
Aim and scope of Kenkyu Journal of Pharmacology is an open access, peer reviewed journal that accepts and publishes novel and high quality findings in all aspects of Pharmacology, including, but not limited to Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacognosy, Chemotherapy, Pharmacy, Pharmaco-genetics and Pharmacogenomics, Toxicology, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmaco-therapeutics, Comparative Pharmacology, and Pharmaco-economics. Contributions can be submitted as Full Research Article (detailed research activity report by the scientists who carried out the study), Letter (shorter research article focusing on a particular aspect of a scientific question), Review (extensive literature search providing comprehensive knowledge on a specific topic to readers), Mini-review (shorter version of a review), Commentary (a reaction to one of our publications), or Image article (a schematic representation of findings, for example preliminary data from a valuable project).
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Kenkyu Journal of Pharmacology offers a fast peer review service, and is committed to review your manuscript within 2 weeks of submission. Upon acceptance, the article will be readily available online. We have an impressive editorial board composed of eminent scientists from all over the world, who will provide sound inputs into your work and help distribute high impact research to the scientific community, Journal of Pharmacology provides broad coverage in all areas of pharmacology and published content is made freely available immediately. We invite you to submit original research articles, review, case reports, conference abstracts and general articles in the field of pharmacology.
Our main aim is to support the scientific community and to make the research information available to all the scientific community in an open access platform and to encourage scientists to publish their results in a detailed manner.
All submissions are peer reviewed. If accepted for publication, authors are requested to pay an article processing fee per article. Following payment of this fee, the article will be made universally available.
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Saleemullah Abro, Shah Murad , Wajid Abro, Nusratullah Khan, Moosa Khan, Seema Shah Murad
Published on : 20-12-2019
Article ID: KJP
Review | Open Access
B. Kishore, A. Sharada, S. Varsha, G. Srivalli, B. Rama Devi
Published on : 22-08-2021
Article ID: KJP-100114
Review | Open Access
Hafeez S
Published on : 22-06-2021
Article ID: KJP-100113
Research | Open Access
K.Divya , G.Vamshi, T.Vijaykumar, M.Sandhya Rani, B.Kishore
Published on : 27-10-2020
Article ID: KJP-100112
Review | Open Access
Laksmi Prasanna.T, Stalin.C*, Rajesh Kumar.G
Published on : 03-08-2018
Article ID: KJP-100110
Review | Open Access
Anup A.patil*, Rajendra Doijad, A.A.Shete, A.A.Koparde, S.N.Mandrupkar
Published on : 06-07-2018
Article ID: KJP-100109
Research | Open Access