Kenkyu Journal of Pharmacology ISSN : 2455-9237
LIAO Wupeng

Department of Pharmacology

National University of Singapore


Journal Short Name - KJP


Dr. Winston Liao Wupeng obtained his bachelor degree of sciences in Nankai University, Tianjin, China. After graduating as a PhD from the Department of Pharmacology, NUS in 2008, Dr. Liao had his postdoctoral training in UCSD and Columbia University, USA from 2009 to 2013. He’s currently a senior research fellow in the Department of Pharmacology, NUS. The major interests of his research are to investigate the pathogenesis of and to develop mechanism-based pharmacological agents for the treatment of respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD and lung fibrosis using small molecule drugs, monoclonal antibodies, natural product compounds, antisense oligonucleotides/siRNA and pharmacoproteomics approaches.

Reasearch Interest

COPD and lung fibrosis using small molecule drugs, monoclonal antibodies, natural product compounds, antisense oligonucleotides/siRNA and pharmacoproteomics approaches

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