Clinical Case Reports, Research & Trials ISSN : 2581-6756
Paul E. Sijens


University Medical Center Groningen


Journal Short Name - CCRRT


Paul E. Sijens obtained his chemistry PhD in 1988: "31P NMR spectroscopy of tumors in the evalu­ation of respon­se to therapy" (Universiteit Utrecht). After doing a postdoc at Cleveland Clinic (1989-1991) and being in charge of clinical MR spectroscopy at Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center (1991-2000), he has been head of MRI research at Radiology UMCG and, since 2002, associate professor (RUG). Functions include faculty membership of the European School of Radiology (ESOR), board membership of Research Foundation Flanders and 26 editorial boards of scientific journals including European Radiology and JMRI (deputy editor) He is author of 115 A1-papers cited 1946 times (mean IF 3.9; H-index 26).


Reasearch Interest

MRI (including perfusion, diffusion and spectroscopy studies)

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