Professor Chim has published 232 publications in international, peer-reviewed journals including Blood, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Leukemia. Moreover, he is the first and corresponding author in the majority (>150 publications). Besides, Prof Chim's international statue is illustrated by the followings. First, Prof Chim was awarded the National Scientific and Technological Advancement Award in 2009 . Secondly, Prof Chim was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath)of UK, Fellowship of the Academy of Translational Medicine Professionals (FAcadTM), European Society for Translational Medicine (EUSTM) & Global Translational Medicine Consortium (GTMC) and Founding Fellowship of the Faculty of Science (FFSc), Royal College of Pathologist of Australia. Thirdly, Prof Chim was editorial board member of >15 journals including Carcinogenesis, PloS ONE and Bone Marrow Transplantation. Fourthly, Prof Chim was Advisory Board member of the International Myeloma Working Group, consultant of the American College of Physicians for Physicians’ Information and Education Resources (PIER), and Chairman of Education Program, Asia Pacific Hematology Consortium (APHCON).
Haematology & Oncology