Clinical Case Reports, Research & Trials ISSN : 2581-6756
Xi-jian DAI


Nanchang University


Journal Short Name - CCRRT


Xi-jian DAI, who has published more than 20 papers, is a member of “SM Radiology journal”, “Austin Journal of Sleep Disorders”, “SM Journal of Depression Research and Treatment”, and “Current Synthetic and Systems Biology”, and as a reviewer for Plos one, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Radiologic Practice, Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. 

Reasearch Interest

1.Sleep Disorders and Sleep Medicine 2.T1p 3.Neuroimaging 4.fMRI 5.Obstructive Sleep Apnea 6.Imaging diagnosis and differential diagnosis 7.Quantitative in the hepatic fibrosis 8.Insomnia 9.Sleep deprivation 10.Cognitive Neuroscience

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