Ramalingam Shanmugam obtained Ph. D. degree in statistics from Temple University, M. S. in operations research from Rensselaer Polytechnic, and B.Sc. in statistics and economics from St. Loyola College. He is the Book-Review Editor of the Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. He directed Statistics Consulting Center in the Mississippi State University. He served the Argonne National Lab., University of Colorado, University of South Alabama and the Indian Statistical Institute. He has published 120 research articles and is a fellow of the International Statistical Institute. Currently, he is a professor in the School of Health Administration, Texas State University. He is a recipient of several research awards from the Texas State University.
My expertise areas are: data mining and analysis, health/medical care decision making, informatics, six-sigma applications, statistical consulting and workshops.
I am an applied statistician with interest and background in healthcare management science. I help medical/health researchers in designing clinical trials, data collection and analysis. I use statistical software to analyze data. To be specific, areas of interest to me include infectious disease modeling, drug development, patient safety issues, risk management, cost-effective analysis, and program evaluations.