Kenkyu Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanoscience ISSN : 2455-183X
Enkeleda Dervishi

Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies

Los Alamos National Laboratory


Journal Short Name - KJNN


Enkeleda Dervishi received her B.S. in Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology and her Ph.D. degree in Engineering Science and Systems from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR). Enkeleda is currently a Marie Curie Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies and Materials Physics and Application Division at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Her research is focused on synthesis of unique multi-functional heterostructures for a number of applications ranging from energy storage to sensors and nano-electronics. Enkeleda has authored/coauthored over eighty publications in peer‐reviewed journals and she is currently a reviewer and on the editorial board for a number of international journals

Reasearch Interest

Enkeleda Dervishi's principal research project at LANL includes the synthesis of unique multi-functional composites (graphene/metal/ carbon nanotubes) for a number of applications ranging from energy storage to sensors and nano-electronics. This innovative research will provide an insight into the interaction between graphitic nano-materials. She will also work on collaborative research efforts to develop novel hetero-structures (thin film oxides and carbon nano-materials) and hybrid nano-composites.

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