Kenkyu Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanoscience ISSN : 2455-183X

Nanoscience and Technology

Alagappa University


Journal Short Name - KJNN


Dr. K.Gurunathan is the Head Department of Nanoscience and Technology in Alagappa University, INDIA. He did his Ph.D, he is professor for nanoscience and technology in Alagappa University, he received one national patent, he had funding for his projects from dfferent funding agencies like MIT New Delhi, DBT New Delhi, ICMR New Delhi, he published many research papers in different journals.

Reasearch Interest

Hydrogen energy & fuel cells, Nanophotocatalysis, Nano-Solar cells, Nanomaterials for Hybrid micro circuits & Super capacitors, conducting polymers and nano composites, organic-inorganic hybrids, Nanomagnetic materials, Nanotoxicology, microbial synthesis

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