Founder and Chief Scientific Advisor
analyze & realize
Joerg Gruenwald, PhD, is Founder and Chief Scientific Advisor of Analyze & Realize GmbH in Berlin, Germany, a specialized research and consulting company for natural health products, phytomedicines, functional foods, dietary supplements etc. He has authored and edited 13 books, including Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) for Herbal Medicines, Plant-‐Based Ingredients for Functional Foods, Grüne Apotheke and acted as a co-‐editor of the American Botanical Council’s The Complete German Commission E Monographs, as well as over 300 scientific articles. He serves as Expert Committee Member of the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Committee on Botanical Dietary Supplements and Herbal Medicines from 2015-‐2020, is Board Member of the American Botanical Council (ABC) and editor and editorial board member of 7 scientific journals. He has worked as advisor to the Office of Dietary Supplements at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, is on the International Advisory Board of the Research Council of Complementary Medicine, was chairman of the American Herbal Products Association’s International Committee, a member of the Council for Responsible Nutrition’s Botanical/Quality Standards Committee. He regularly serves as Chairman and speaker at international conferences like Vitafoods, Health Ingredients, Food Ingredients etc.