Nutrition & Energy Balance
Antonio Picardi


University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome


Journal Short Name - NEB


MD by the University of Naples (1987; Italy) and by the Universidad de Navarra (1994; Spain) where he also was Laureated (1995, PhD in Clinical and Experimental Physiopathology), Dr. Picardi centered his scientific interests in the field of metabolism first, and afterward of chronic liver diseases. Actually, the pandemic manifestation of obesity, NAFL, diabetes and metabolic syndrome represent a perfect synthesis of Dr. Picardi interests in the last years. From 1994, he is professor of Internal Medicine at the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome Italy for undergraduate medical students. He also serves as a professor, in various Specialty Schools at Campus Bio-Medico in Rome. Member of many scientific Societies among which: SIMI, EASD, AISF, SID, ADA and The Endocrine Society.

Reasearch Interest

Pandemic manifestation of obesity, NAFL, diabetes and metabolic syndrome represent a perfect synthesis

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