Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Open Access
Alberto Arbex

Obesity and Public Health Policies

IPEMED Medical School


Journal Short Name - PMR


  • 11/2006- Present: Head of Post graduation, IPEMED Medical School.
  • 01/04/2012–Present: Joint Committee, Harvard-IPEMED Medical School, Boston (United States)
  • 01/01/2003–01/06/2006: Masters in MEDICINE, University of Rio de Janeiro.
  • 01/2013- PhD in Health Law University of Buenos Aires.
  • 01/2014–02/2014- Visiting Scholar, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston (United States).
  • Conferences:  90 presentations held at international congresses, including speeches held at Sweden, United States, Costa Rica, Brazil and Argentina.
  • Honors and awards: 2003: Specialist Endocrinologist

                                 2010: Award for Scientific Production

                                 2013: Health Observatory Award, University of Buenos Aires

Reasearch Interest

Endocrinology / Obesity / Public Health


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