Kenkyu Journal of Gastroenterology
Michael Simca Middleton


UCSD School of Medicine


Journal Short Name - KJG


I have worked over t he last t en years t oget her wit h Dr. Sirlin, ot hers in our research group, and our collaborat ors t o advance knowledge and experience in t his f ield. We helped develop and improve breat h-hold quant it at ive MR magnit ude imaging and spect roscopic met hods t o assess liver f at and MR elast ographic met hods t o measure liver st if f ness, and we have planned and supervised image analysis and qualit y cont rol f or mult i-cent er pharmaceut ical indust ry and NIH clinical t rials. For t his project , I will be a radiology invest igat or and co-direct or of t he UCSD Radiology Coordinat ing Cent er. T oget her wit h Dr. Sirlin, our t eam will help t o design t his st udy; oversee t he implement at ion and verif icat ion of imaging prot ocols; qualif y t he sit es by verif ying proper imaging t echnique; t rain t he sit e t echnologist s and radiologist s via sit e visit s and supplement ary webbased conf erences; provide ongoing t echnical support and cent ral qualit y cont rol; provide quant it at ive analysis and st orage of imaging dat a; ent er imaging dat a in a secure dat abase designed f or t his st udy; develop st andard operat ing procedure manuals and support ing document s; obt ain IRB approval if necessary; maint ain regulat ory document at ion; share analyzed dat a wit h ot her st udy invest igat ors; provide input regarding t he int erpret at ion of st udy result s; develop solut ions f or unant icipat ed problems; t ake t he lead or part icipat ing in t he int erpret at ion and disseminat ion of research f indings; guarant ee st udy int egrit y; and cont ribut e t o manuscript s and disseminat ion of research f indings. Dr. Sirlin and I have an est ablished a product ive research collaborat ion result ing in 31 co-aut hored peer-reviewed manuscript s t o dat e.

Reasearch Interest


Email :  msmiddleton@ucsd.edu

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