Kenkyu Journal of Gastroenterology
Liang Houjie


Third Military Medical University of PLA


Journal Short Name - KJG


Professor, Chief Physician, doctoral tutor. First Affiliated Hospital, Third Military Medical University, oncology academic leaders. The current Army Medical Science and Technology Committee oncology professional committee chairman, Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) Executive Committee Standing Committee, China Society of Clinical Oncology Gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor expert committee chairman, deputy director of the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology HCC members of the Committee of Experts, Chinese nutrition Society of clinical Oncology Cancer treatment expert Committee vice chairman, member of the 10th Chinese Medical Oncology Council committees, Chongqing clinical medicine (oncology) academic leaders, chairman of Chongqing Medical Oncology professional Committee, Chongqing Cancer Society molecular targeted therapy professional committee chairman and the like. Cancer has long been engaged in basic research and clinical work, the main research directions for tumor resistance mechanisms of tumor metabolism and tumor molecular targeted therapy. Commitment to national and provincial research more than 20, as a clinical pharmacology base tumor professional team to participate in international multi-center clinical research projects over 30. By the Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award a military scientific and technological progress awards five. Postdoctoral, doctoral and master more than 50 people.

Reasearch Interest

Oncology ,Gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor , molecular targeted therapy,

Email :  lianghoujie@sina.com

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