Kenkyu Journal of Gastroenterology
Jin Boo Jeong

Medicinal Plant Resources

Andong National University


Journal Short Name - KJG


II. Educational Backgrounds
B.S. (1999. 02 ~ 2006. 02) : Bioresource Sciences, Andong National University, Andong, Korea
M.S. (2006. 03 ~ 2008. 02) : Bioresource Sciences, Andong National University, Andong, Korea [Thesis Title: Isolation and bioavailability of lunasin as a chemopreventive peptide in medicinal resources from Solanaceae (Supervisor: Hyung Jin Jeong)]
Ph.D (2008. 02 ~ 2011. 08) : Bioresource Sciences, Andong National University, Andong, Korea [Thesis Title: Cancer chemopreventive properties of phytochemicals (Supervisor: Jin Suk Koo)]
Professional Backgrounds
Research assistant, Medicinal Plant Resources Major, Andong National University, Korea [2004. 03 ~ 2011. 12]
Principal Investigator, “Training problem solving human resources” funded by Korea Research Foundation”, Andong National University, Korea [2006.12 ~ 2007. 11]
Part-time lecturer, Medicinal Plant Resources Major, Andong National University, Korea [2011. 03 ~ 2011. 12]
Post-Doc, Department of Nutrition & Food Science, University of Maryland College Park (Supervisor: Prof. Seong-Ho Lee) [2012. 01~2013.07]
Assistant Professor, Medicinal Plant Resources Major, Andong National University, Korea [2013. 09 ~ present]

Reasearch Interest

Cancer is the leading causes of death worldwide. My researches have been focusing on the cancer chemoprevention against human colorectal cancer using strategies of gene expression/deletion or functional compounds present in human diet, phytochemicals, and drugs. Currently, my lab is focusing the chemoprevention and molecular carcinogenesis of human cancer. The overall goal of this direction aims to identify new effective chemopreventive agents/human cancer susceptibility genes and elucidate their mechanisms of action using in vitro cell culture and rodent cancer models.

Email :  jjb8376@gmail.com

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