Journal of Biomedical and Life Science
Gianfranco Risuleo Ph.D

Biology and Biotechnologies

Sapienza University of Rome


Journal Short Name - JBLS


Doctoral and post-doctoral work at the Max-Planck-Institute für Molekulare Genetik (Berlin, Germany) - Visiting scientist at the Karolinska Institute, Nobel Laboratory (Stockholm, Sweden) and at the Biokemiskt Centrum, Dept. of Molecular Virology (Uppsala, Sweden). Fellowships from the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and from Italian private and public foundations. Research and travelling grants from homologous agencies (e.g. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Fondazione “Institut Pasteur-Cenci Bolognetti”, Ministero della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica). Invited professor (short-term) at the University of Mexico City. Professional contacts with different universities: Health Science Center - State University of New York at Brooklyn, the Max-Planck-Institute für Molekulare Genetik, the Department of Biology at the Humboldt-Universität (Berlin, Germany); University of the Witswatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa); ITS Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, East Java - Indonesia.


Selected by EU (ERASMUS Mundus ACP program for academic activities at the University of Antananarivo - Madagascar, four months total).


Relocated on a temporary basis to the Italian Space Agency as program manager; collaborated to the development of simulated missions to Mars (Russian space agency ROS-Cosmos).


Mobility program (by EU) to the ITS Sepuluh Nopember in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

Author of two essays (in Italian) on genetic engineering and molecular evolution; a third one is in preparation. I collaborate with the Italian Medical Encyclopaedia where I wrote several different entries; free-lance writer for popular science magazines and translator from English into Italian for scientific publishers and pharmaceutical industries. I participated and communicated results in over 90 different national and international meetings

Scientific production consists of about 100 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals; authored or co-authored invited book chapters. I wrote about 30 articles in popular science magazines. Participated and/or invited speakers to international meetings in Europe, Russia and USA, Canada, India, Cuba, Indonesia and South Africa.

I am author of two scientific essays (in Italian) on genetic engineering and molecular evolution. Published a collection of short stories in Italian. 

Reasearch Interest

Molecular biology, Biochemistry, Biophysical-Chemistry.

Email :  gianfranco.risuleo@uniroma1.it ; gianfranco.risuleo@gmail.com

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