Journal of Biomedical and Life Science
Maheedhar Kodali Ph.D.

Veterans Health Care System

Central Texas Veterans Health Care System


Journal Short Name - JBLS


I am currently working at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC) College of Medicine, College Station TX, as a Post-doctoral research associate. I have a Ph.D. in Cancer Biology. I have been doing postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Dr. Ashok K. Shetty (Professor and Director of Neuroscience at Institute of Regenerative Medicine, TAMHSC) since 2012. I have over 6 years of continuous research experience following my Ph.D. I have so far published 19 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Since 2012, I have been vigorously engaged in a series of investigations on aspects of Gulf War Illness, aging, traumatic brain injury, exercise and memory, and neural stem and neural precursor cell graft-mediated repair in animal models of epilepsy in Dr. Shetty’s laboratory.


Pertaining to this project on Gulf War Illness, I have considerable expertise for analyzing/measuring the following: (1) Characterizing mood function using forced swim, eating related depression, sucrose preference and novelty suppressed feeding tests. (2) Analyzing cognitive and memory function through water maze, novel object recognition, object location and pattern separation tests. (3) Measuring anxiety through elevated plus maze and open field tests. (4) Analyzing neuroprotection using immunohistochemistry, dual/triple immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, and histochemistry. (5) Examining the effects of novel drugs in animal models of disease including Gulf War Illness. (6) Stereological quantification of a variety of neurons and glia in the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex via the optical fractionator method. (7) Performing biochemical assays and molecular biological studies (e.g. cytokine arrays, ELISA and qRT-PCR studies) for measuring oxidative stress, inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction.

Reasearch Interest

Email :  kodali@medicine.tamhsc.edu

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