Kenkyu Open Access Wallet
Kandi. Kamala Asst. Professor

Department of Political Science

Osmania University Hyderabad


Journal Short Name - KOAW


She obtained her Doctorate from Osmania University by writing a thesis on “Demand for smaller states: A study of Telangana” in 2017. To her credit she has conducted National seminar, International Conference and National Webinar. She has written four books and edited six books, published seven book reviews in UGC care listed journals.  She has been awarded with 6 awards, she is the Editor-in-Chief, (IJOPS), Associate Editor for 04 International Journals and Member of Editorial Board & reviewer for various countries like USA, UK China, Singapore etc. 42 Journals, she is a member of 13 National and International Associations. Presented 19 papers in National and International Conferences and Published 56 Peer reviewed articles in National and international publication and published 19 papers in UGC care listed Journals She has more than 17 years of teaching and research experience in the areas of public policy and political theory.

Reasearch Interest

Email :  kamala.ranu@gmail.com

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