Kenkyu Open Access Wallet
Rudrarup Gupta

Academic Researcher in Management


Journal Short Name - KOAW


Dr. Rudrarup Gupta is an Expert Research Enthusiast, Prolific Overseas Author, Lambert, Germany, Ardent Mentor (Management & Skill Development), High-End Global Research Scholar, Thought Provoking Writer, Prompt Motivator, World-Wide Academic Accelerator and Guest Cricket Commentator & Match Analyst. On the other hand, Dr. Gupta has brought out a momentous metamorphosis of “Academic Research” for our aspiring learners along with his best all round skills and encyclopedic educational enrichments both in national and international stature respectively. Dr. Gupta firmly believes that “Education is having its individual manifestation at all times”.

Reasearch Interest

Management Science, Leadership, Management Ethics, Marketing Management, Management Dynamics

Email :  rudrarupgupta21@gmail.com

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