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Adamu Abubakar Muhammad Asst. Professor



Journal Short Name - KOAW


Adamu Abubakar Muhammad born on 15th July 1980 in Kashere Town, Akko LGA of Gombe State Nigeria, is a lecturer in the department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria. He obtained his higher degree in General Islamic Studies from Bayero University Kano, Nigeria; his Bachelor of Art Education and General Islamic Studies from the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria; and his Nigeria Certificate in Education and Teacher’s Grade II certificates from the National Teachers’ Institute Kaduna, Nigeria. He is an academician with more than 16 years of teaching experience in both elementary and tertiary institutions in Nigeria. His fields of research and teaching are general Islamic studies, Islamic jurisprudence, comparative religion, Gender Studies, Guidance and counselling, the Islamic economic system, and contemporary Islamic and financial analysis. He authored about 34 different journal articles in various national and international journals, including UMRAN (International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies), Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, Journal of Hadith Studies (Malaysia), ZISWAF Jurnal Zakat dan Wakaf, AL-IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Laws (Indonesia), Journal of University Scholars in Religions (JUSREL), ALYAQEEN International Journal of Islamic Studies (Nigeria), International Journal of Umranic Studies Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunnei, Dar-Assalam among others, contributed chapters to two different books and many more are coming. He is a presenter and participant in not less than 45 different national and international academic conferences in Turkey, the UAE, Bahrain, Nigeria, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, the Gambia, and Indonesia. He attended and participated in more than 120 different national and international workshops in India, Malaysia, Kenya, and Nigeria. He serves as editor and reviewer of about 16 international academic journals namely; Jurnal Zakat dan Wakaf (ZISWAF), Global Scientific and Academic Research Journal of Education and literature (GSARJEL), International Journal of Islamic Economics & Governance (IJIEG). Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economics Law. International Journal of Law and Society (IJLS), International Journal of Religions and Traditions (IJRT), International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (IJMRD), Fitrah Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (ISRGJHSS), Madania Jurnal Kajian Keislaman, Al-Istinbath: Jurnal Hukum Islam, Forum Paedagogik. A Journal of Islamic Religious Studies, Journal Transformation of Knowledge (JTK), Journal of Islamic Management Studies (JIMS), Integrity Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH). He served as an international speaker on Islamic finance principles and SDGs, Islamic economics, and MSMEs; a member of different educational and religious organizations and associations; an educational adviser, tutor, instructor, and counselor. His areas of research and publication include the Islamic economic system, gender and empowerment, philanthropy and poverty alleviation, human rights and religion, globalization and economic development, drug abuse, and human psychology, among others. He is a gender trainer and matrimonial counselor, a resource person for youth development and educational transformation across the local student associations. He is interested in entrepreneurship skills, especially creating and developing businesses for local entrepreneurs and MSMEs.

Reasearch Interest

Email :  abubakaradamu1980@gmail.com, aamuhammad@fukashere.edu.ng

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