Kenkyu Open Access Wallet
J. Suresh Kumar Associate Professor


St. Joseph University


Journal Short Name - KOAW


J. Suresh Kumar is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at St. Joseph University, Nagaland, India. He has completed his Ph.D. in the domain of Agricultural Economics at the Department of Economics, Periyar University of Salem, and Tamilnadu, India. His areas of interest include Entrepreneurship, Agricultural Economics, Industrial Economics, Labour Economics, and Development Economics. He has a keen interest in research and has publications in International and National Journals. He has actively participated in and presented her research at National and International conferences, seminars, and workshops. Among his honors are the International Council for Education, Research, and Training (ICERT) Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Global Educator Award-2022 and Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Excellence Award 2023, Shiksha Ratan Award – 2023, the EMG - SSM Trust Awards for Best Teacher, the Indian Academic Researchers' Association for Best Faculty, the Grabs Educational Charitable Trust for Best Social Scientist Award -2023 and the Gurukul Network for Inspiring Teacher. He was the Convener of a two-day National Seminar on "Skill Development and Entrepreneurship in Northern East India" sponsored by the ICSSR. He is also the Editor in Chief of the (ISRDO) Scientific Research Journal of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science, Associate Editor-in-Chief NOLEGEIN Journal of Advertising and Brand Management, Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management, Journal of Human Resource Management & Development and a member of the Board of Reviewers for more than ten Social Science journals. He is a member of the editorial board for more than ten international journals of social sciences and research. He is a member or fellow of ten professional organizations in the field of social sciences and research. He is work as a State President of Nagaland in Education Research and Development Association (ERDA).

Reasearch Interest

Agricultural Economics, Industrial Economics, Labour Economics, development Economics and Entrepreneurship 

Email :  drjsuresheco@gmail.com

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