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Maria Emilia Camargo Professor

Production Engineering

Federal University of Santa Maria


Journal Short Name - KOAW


Dra. Maria Emilia Camargo Bachelor's degree in Administrative Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1975). Graduate in Statistics (1977). Bachelor's degree in Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1979). Master's degree in Production Engineering from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (1979). PhD in Production Engineering from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1992). Post-doctorate in Statistical Process Control from Kazan Technical State University. Post-doctorate in Quantitative Methods Applied to Management from University of Algarve Portugal. Senior Research Internship at Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon, Portugal in Georeferencing applied to the flow of knowledge. Professor and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Administration at the University of Caxias do Sul, from June 2012 to July 2017. Professor at the Graduate Program in Production Engineering at the University of Caxias do Sul, from 2017 to April 2021. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Production Engineering from July 2019 to January 2021. Voluntary Professor at the Graduate Program in Intellectual Property Science - Aracajú, Sergipe. Currently, she is a Voluntary Professor of the Federal University of Santa Maria. Leads the Multidisciplinary Research in Administration group (GPMA), registered at CNPq, and Manager of the Technological Innovation Center of Campos de Cima da Serra until April 2021. Visiting Professor at the Graduate Business Administration Program of the Federal University of Santa Maria, since May 2021. Membro do Conselho Executivo da FATER Academy of India (FAI), desde 2020. Investigadora Spinner Innovation Centre, desde 2021 Researcher at the Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies Research Unit (GOVCOPP) of the University of Aveiro - Portugal. Awarded the Gaúcho Researcher Prize in the Area of Human and Social Sciences (2020). Her main research interests are: Social Innovation, Technological Innovation, Social and Organizational Neuroscience, Knowledge Management. Governance and competitiveness Neural Network Modeling. Time Series. Prospective Scenarios. Patentometry. Meta Analysis. Modeling by Structural Equations.

Reasearch Interest

Management Science, Economics, Data management, Technology development, Neural networks

Email :  kamargo@terra.com.br

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