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Muzafar Sharipov Associate professor

general and inorganic chemistry

Bukhara State university

Republic of Uzbekistan

Journal Short Name - KOAW


Dr. Muzafar Sharipov  is an Associate Professor at the Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan. He has a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and master’s degree in Inorganic Chemistry. Conducted dissertation work Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences on the topic: Development of technology for the production of thickening polymeric materials based on oxidized starch and water-soluble synthetic polymers.


Professional Experience: He conducts research work in the field of biopolymers for the obtaining of starch and its derivatives. Scientific work in the field of polymers, synthesize starch modification and study physicochemical and applied properties. He works in the field of Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Generally and Ecological chemistry.

Reasearch Interest

Chemistry and technology of natural polymers, starch modification, starch products, structure and analysis of starch derivatives, composite materials, adhesive materials, textile tickeners.

Email :  sharipovms1981@gmail.com

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