About Us
About Us

Kenkyu  Publishing Group is an independent open-access scientific publishing group . The main aim of Kenkyu Publishing Group is to provide a 'peer reviewed' platform to outstanding researchers and scientists to publish their research in an open-access Platform. Kenkyu  Publishing Group encourages the researches in all fields of Medical, Life science, Clinical, and Engineering.


We publish journals across a wide subject area; you can find out the perfect home for projecting your research. All our Kenkyu journals are online open access journals, we allows scientists, students and research people from all across the world to not only read but also download and share the available content without paying any charges immediately after publication.  There is no legal restriction for reuse and copy the content which is available in journals on a one condition; you must cite the corresponding author of the article and source of data in clear way.


We try to achieve quality in the open access disseminate procedure. All our journals provide rapid and detailed peer-review process before publish the manuscript and manuscript will publish within 4-6 working days of acceptance. We don’t encourage any kind of plagiarism while publishing. We follow strict policy against plagiarism.


We publish original research, analyses and reviews, news, practice updates and thought-provoking editorials. All the articles we publish are made freely accessible online immediately upon publication.



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